Slingshot Books LLC
Human Nature And Conduct - Part 4, Conclusion (Unabridged)
John Dewey
- Slingshot Books LLC
- 11 Août 2022
- 9798822589568
John Dewey, an early 20th Century American philosopher, psychologist, educational theorist. This project encompasses Part 4 of 4 of his book Human Nature and Conduct, An Introduction to Social Psychology, published in 1922. Dewey's uses the words "HABIT" and "Impulse" as a specialized catch-all words to describe how a person and his/her objective environment interact. This interaction is the basis for moral and ethical judgments. Dewey writes: "All habits are demands for certain kinds of activity; and they constitute the self." In other places he also asserts that "Habits are Will." In the third part of the book, Dewey describes how we make ethical judgments on the occasions which call upon the exercise of intelligence, and the relationship among aims, goals, means and ends, and emotions. In this fourth section he ties together the preceding concepts and conclusions Part 4: Conclusion Section I: The Good of Activity Better and worse; morality a process; evolution and progress; optimism; Epicureanism; making others happy. Section II: Morals are Human Humane morals; natural law and morals; place of science. Section III: What is Freedom? Elements in freedom; capacity in action; novel possibilities; force of desire. Section IV: Morality is Social Conscience and responsibility; social pressure and opportunity; exaggeration of blame; importance of social psychology; category of right; the community of religious symbol. Soloist supplementary note: Very important but sometimes overlooked is his concept in Part 3 of the book of "Dramatic Rehearsal" which to me means: when we are deliberating over a course of action, we don't just tote up an arithmetic series of "if I do THIS, then THIS will happen, and then THIS will happen, etc. and weigh out the pluses and minuses" as a Utilitarian would do. No, what we do, says Dewey, is that at every step of divining what the future will hold, we examine how we FEEL about the situation. For example, if we're planning a chess move, we don't think to ourselves merely "if I make THIS move, I'll weaken my king side, but I'll gain a pawn" No, instead we think "if I make THIS move, I'll weaken my king side {Dang it all to hecky darn! }, but I'll gain a pawn {Yaaaay! hoorah! }". The force of our subjective and emotive intensity sway the final decisions.
Human Nature And Conduct - Part 1, The Place of Habit in Conduct (UNABRIDGED)
John Dewey
- Slingshot Books LLC
- 8 Septembre 2021
- 9781669320043
"John Dewey, an early 20th Century American philosopher, psychologist, educational theorist saw Social Psychology as much a physical science (with rules and predictive power) as Biology and Chemistry. This project encompasses Part 1 of 4 of his book Human Nature and Conduct.
Dewey's uses the word ""HABIT"" as a specialized catch-all word to describe how a person and his/her objective environment interact. This interaction is the basis for moral judgement. Dewey writes: ""All habits are demands for certain kinds of activity; and they constitute the self." In other places he also asserts that ""Habits are Will."" - Summary by William Jones, Soloist" -
Human Nature and Conduct - Part 2, The Place of Impulse In Conduct (UNABRIDGED)
John Dewey
- Slingshot Books LLC
- 6 Septembre 2021
- 9781669318033
"Part 2 describes Dewey's concept of IMPULSES. They encompass the interaction of one's self with the environment. When the environment encounters problems with one's HABITS, Impulses are the motivating, innate forces which prompt one to modify habits and/or modify the environment. ""Nature vs Nurture"" explanations of someone's personality are deceptive and fallacious. This stems from the human inclination to CLASSIFY things - practically everything!
Innate behaviors are a collection of habits which one's culture has solidified as Customs. Most education is not learning but rather training of one's habits to harmonize with local customs. Human nature is plastic, malleable. Customs are, almost by definition, rigid. And, because one's environment is always changing, customs and its supporting habits are continually being tested. Nations disintegrate when their customs grow inflexible.
A MORAL ACT is one whose effects are fine tune and reorganize habits. Thought arises then when habits are hindered and only impulses are active.
The basic motor of human nature and conduct is HABIT, not reason or innate instinctive drives. In Dewey's theories of education, he asserts that education should be leading youth away from society's dysfunctional habits. He decries the fact that our economic theories concentrate on OWNERSHIP of things rather than the ways we USE things.
- Summary by William Jones, Soloist" -
"A book written by an American education philosopher in which he proposed "This scientific attitude of mind might, conceivably, be quite irrelevant to teaching children and youth. But this book also represents the conviction that such is not the case; that the native and unspoiled attitude of childhood, marked by ardent curiosity, fertile imagination, and love of experimental inquiry, is near, very near, to the attitude of the scientific mind. If these pages assist any to appreciate this kinship and to consider seriously how its recognition in educational practice would make for individual happiness and the reduction of social waste, ..."
Excerpt From: John Dewey. "How We Think." - Summary by Linda Andrus"