Faits de société / Actualité
4 produits trouvés
Fédéralisme et gouvernance autochtone ; federalism and aboriginal governance
Ghislain Otis
- Presses de l'Université Laval
- 22 Mai 2013
- 9782763715407
Cet important ouvrage bilingue explique et analyse divers aspects du rapport entre l'autodétermination des peuples autochtones et le fédéralisme comme procédé d'organisation de la gouvernance. Les auteurs comptent parmi les juristes et les politologues les mieux établis au Canada et aux Etats-Unis. Un premier groupe d'études s'interroge sur l'adéquation idéologique et théorique du concept fédéral pour la redéfinition de la relation entre les peuples autochtones et l'Etat. D'autres textes analysent les dimensions plus opérationnelles de la mise en place et de l'application d'une gouvernance de type fédéral, tels les défis de la négociation d'ententes intergouvernementales, le rôle de l'individu comme acteur fédéral ou encore la tension entre la reconnaissance de la souveraineté autochtone et le partage des compétences et responsabilités entre le gouvernement fédéral et les provinces. Les textes réunis ici nous permettent de prendre la mesure du potentiel novateur mais aussi des limites du fédéralisme comme principe d'organisation de la coexistence entre les peuples autochtones et la société euro-descendante dans le contexte nord-américain.
Europeans and their rights ; freedom of expression
Michel Verpeaux
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 1 Janvier 2010
- 9789287171047
Freedom of expression is not absolute, even though it is a fundamental right enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights. Under the terms of the Article 10 of the Convention, its exercise may be subject to such restrictions as are prescribed by law and are "necessary in a democratic society" in order to uphold the rights of all individuals.
The author compares and analyses the protection of and limits on the right to freedom of expression in the case law of European constitutional courts and the European Court of Human Rights, drawing on practical examples, to see whether a common European approach exists in this area. -
Discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in Europe
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 1 Janvier 2011
- 9789287172716
Many people in Europe are stigmatised because of their sexual orientation or gender identity and cannot fully enjoy their universal human rights. Some of them are victims of violence, others have fled to Europe from countries where they risk being persecuted. Organisations representing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons have been denied registration or banned from organising peaceful meetings in some states in Europe. Too few politicians have taken a firm stand against homophobic and transphobic expressions, discrimination and violence. This report presents the results of the largest socio-legal study ever carried out on discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in the 47 member states of the Council of Europe. Six thematic chapters give a broad overview of the human rights situation of LGBT persons and recommendations are provided for developing and implementing effective measures to address discrimination. The report is intended as a tool for dialogue with authorities and other stakeholders. It constitutes a baseline study for further action in both legislative and policy fields to ensure that all LGBT people can effectively exercise their human rights.
The female body : a journey through law, culture and medicine
Brigitte Feuillet-liger, Thérèse Callus, Kristina Orfali
- Bruylant
- 18 Décembre 2013
- 9782802745372
Object of fascination and fantasy, the female body can be idealized, reified or shrouded. “It is we who make women what they are worth and that is why they are worthless”, proclaimed Mirabeau in the days of the Enlightenment, to which Aragon later replied: “Woman is the future of Man”. The ambiguities of the female body are therein exposed.
This work examines the relationship between the female body and biomedicine. Many possibilities are offered to women through biomedical techniques: from assistance to procreate (with assisted reproduction) to refusal to do so (contraception, voluntary sterilization, termination of pregnancy); to be informed of genetic predispositions (through the use of available genetic tests); or to improve their physical appearance with cosmetic surgery. But a recurrent question arises: with its rapid progress and its extreme medicalization of the body, can biomedicine liberate women? Or rather, given the risks of the commodification of the body or its parts, is it not a source of exploitation ?
The authors of this work, jurists, anthropologists, philosophers, sociologists and doctors, have explored these questions. The contributions from nineteen countries in this international multidisciplinary study analyse the reality of the amazing developments of biomedicine on the female body. Numerous systems are compared for the first time; European, African, North and South American, but also Chinese and Japanese. Beyond highlighting differences, and identifying similarities in the development of “enhancement medicine”, the objective of this work is ultimately to show the complexity surrounding the question of a woman’s freedom over her body and the extent to which this is limited by the State.