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Justices militaires et guerres mondiales (Europe 1914-1950) ; military justices and world wars (Europe 1914-1950)
- Presses universitaires de Louvain
- 3 Juillet 2017
- 9782875585370
L'histoire des justices militaires a jusqu'il y a peu été largement négligée. Institution hybride, elle a longtemps fait l'objet de jugements à l'emporte-pièce, tant chez les militaires que chez les juristes. On a ainsi vu se multiplier critiques acerbes et plaidoyers pro domo autour de cette institution si particulière. Une série de séminaires menés dans le cadre du projet de la Maison des sciences de l'Homme, de 2004 à 2008, avait pour objectif de parcourir, en perspective comparée, les évolutions de la justice militaire depuis le XVIe siècle. Le présent volume reprend reprend une vingtaine de ces contributions, orientées sur le premier XXe siècle, pour comprendre les tensions, les pratiques et les limites de la justice militaire pendant et autour des deux guerres mondiales. Parcourant l'Europe occidentale, il se veut méthodologique et initiateur, éclairant une réalité transnationale à l'aide d'études de cas, inscrites dans le temps et l'espace.
Fédéralisme et gouvernance autochtone ; federalism and aboriginal governance
Ghislain Otis
- Presses de l'Université Laval
- 22 Mai 2013
- 9782763715407
Cet important ouvrage bilingue explique et analyse divers aspects du rapport entre l'autodétermination des peuples autochtones et le fédéralisme comme procédé d'organisation de la gouvernance. Les auteurs comptent parmi les juristes et les politologues les mieux établis au Canada et aux Etats-Unis. Un premier groupe d'études s'interroge sur l'adéquation idéologique et théorique du concept fédéral pour la redéfinition de la relation entre les peuples autochtones et l'Etat. D'autres textes analysent les dimensions plus opérationnelles de la mise en place et de l'application d'une gouvernance de type fédéral, tels les défis de la négociation d'ententes intergouvernementales, le rôle de l'individu comme acteur fédéral ou encore la tension entre la reconnaissance de la souveraineté autochtone et le partage des compétences et responsabilités entre le gouvernement fédéral et les provinces. Les textes réunis ici nous permettent de prendre la mesure du potentiel novateur mais aussi des limites du fédéralisme comme principe d'organisation de la coexistence entre les peuples autochtones et la société euro-descendante dans le contexte nord-américain.
Compliance Law is defined by the Monumental Goals it pursues.
Willingly or by force, companies must structure themselves and act to reach them. In a major and global transformation, they are thereby becoming transparent, making Compliance Tools visible.
Emphasizing the unity of these Tools promotes a unified legal regime, while adapting them country by country, sector by sector, company by company. Understanding these Compliance Tools to anticipate the assessment made by Regulators, Supervisors and Courts, and the provisions of future texts, while companies are invited to invent new ones, is hopefully more appropriate.
General perspectives through which risk maps, compliance programs, deals and judicial agreements, ad hoc training, algorithms, audits, sanctions, controls, whistleblowing, collective actions, etc. are scrutinized. Co-published with the Journal of Regulation & Compliance. -
études d'histoire du droit et des idées politiques : justicia, comercio e instituciones en la carrera de indas (siglo xvi)
Ana Belem Fernandez Castro
- Presses de l´Université Toulouse Capitole
- 12 Septembre 2024
- 9782379281273
La gestión del monopolio comercial de la corona castellana sobre las Indias dio lugar a lafundación de instituciones especializadas en el comercio que resolvieran sus problemas y procuraran su regulación. En 1503 fue creada la Casa de la Contratación de las Indias, institución que se ocuparía de la coordinación del comercio colonial, funcionando como un tribunal especializado en la resolución de las disputas derivadas de la Carrera de Indias. ¿Pero realmente la audiencia de la Casa de la Contratación contribuyó a resolver los problemas del comercio indiano? Este trabajo busca responder a esa pregunta a través de la semántica de la eficiencia, definiendo si el desempeño jurisdiccional de la audiencia de la Casa de la Contratación reunió las cualidades de las instituciones eficientes. Tales cualidades, trasladadas al plano jurisdiccional suponen que la Casa haya conseguido administrar justicia restaurando el orden económico vulnerado entre los litigantes que frecuentaron el tribunal y garantizando el cumplimiento auténtico de las sentencias.En un contexto de pluralismo legal en el que los mercaderes usaban múltiples jurisdicciones para enfrentar los problemas del comercio, analizar el desempeño jurisdiccional de la Casa de la Contratación supone analizar asimismo el desempeño de las instituciones con las que interactuaba, principalmente el Consejo de Indias, el Consulado de Cargadores a Indias, la Real Audiencia de Sevilla y, en el plano extrajudicial, el arbitraje.
Europeans and their rights ; freedom of expression
Michel Verpeaux
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 1 Janvier 2010
- 9789287171047
Freedom of expression is not absolute, even though it is a fundamental right enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights. Under the terms of the Article 10 of the Convention, its exercise may be subject to such restrictions as are prescribed by law and are "necessary in a democratic society" in order to uphold the rights of all individuals.
The author compares and analyses the protection of and limits on the right to freedom of expression in the case law of European constitutional courts and the European Court of Human Rights, drawing on practical examples, to see whether a common European approach exists in this area. -
Discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in Europe
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 1 Janvier 2011
- 9789287172716
Many people in Europe are stigmatised because of their sexual orientation or gender identity and cannot fully enjoy their universal human rights. Some of them are victims of violence, others have fled to Europe from countries where they risk being persecuted. Organisations representing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons have been denied registration or banned from organising peaceful meetings in some states in Europe. Too few politicians have taken a firm stand against homophobic and transphobic expressions, discrimination and violence. This report presents the results of the largest socio-legal study ever carried out on discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in the 47 member states of the Council of Europe. Six thematic chapters give a broad overview of the human rights situation of LGBT persons and recommendations are provided for developing and implementing effective measures to address discrimination. The report is intended as a tool for dialogue with authorities and other stakeholders. It constitutes a baseline study for further action in both legislative and policy fields to ensure that all LGBT people can effectively exercise their human rights.
On 7 December 2000, the newly created non-profit organization DNS. be adopted the Terms and conditions for domain name registrations under the ".be" domain. These terms and conditions revolutionized the registration of ".be" domain names. The ".be" domain evolved from a small, closed domain, where domain names were reserved for organizations and undertakings showing that the requested domain name corresponded to their name or trademark, to a modern, open domain that applies the "First come, first served" rule as one of its key principles. This choice to liberalize the ".be" domain paid off extremely well. As expected, the liberalization also brought with it some cases of cyber squatting. The experience in the generic Top Level Domains or gTLD's, like the ".com" or ".net" domains, showed that more freedom is used by some (a small minority) to infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others. was well aware of this risk and with the liberalization, it introduced in its terms and conditions a Dispute Resolution Policy. Pursuant to this policy, the registrant of a ".be" domain name agrees that his domain name will be transferred to a third party (the complainant) if that party asserts and proves that: CEPANI, the Belgian Centre for Mediation and Arbitration, is proud that it has been, from the very beginning, the accredited Dispute Resolution Entity for the ".be" domain name disputes. Aided by a working group of experts, CEPANI set up the Rules that govern the proceedings to solve domain name disputes. From January 2001 until September 2012, more than 283 cases have been introduced with CEPANI. Because the online world is changing rapidly, also the terms and conditions of and the Rules of CEPANI are amended regularly. After more than 10 years of dispute resolution regarding ".be" domain names, CEPANI thought that the time has come to reflect about what has been and about what has yet to come. CEPANI asked a few eminent authors to share their experience and their ideas, and is proud to publish their contributions in this book. Cet ouvrage est bilingue (Français/Neerlandais).
Droit des technologies : des nanotechnologies aux technologies émergentes ; la régulation en perspectives
Stéphanie Lacour
- Éditions Larcier
- 11 Février 2013
- 9782804457624
La régulation des technologies émergentes soulève, dans les pays industrialisés, des attentes considérables de la part des publics- riverains, salariés ou encore consommateurs - potentiellement exposés aux risques qu’elles font naître, tout comme des industriels explorant de nouveaux marchés, et aussi des pouvoirs publics, garants du développement responsable de celles qu’ils tiennent des sources cruciales pour la croissance économique du 21e siècle.
Le cycle de vie des nano-produits a été scruté pendant trois années dans le cadre du programme NanoNorma par une équipe interdisciplinaire de chercheurs rassemblant des juristes de toutes spécialités, mais aussi des chercheurs en nanosciences et une entreprise du secteur des nanomatériaux, la société Arkema. Toujours en construction, leur cadre normatif s’illustre par l’hétérogénéité des normes engagées et la persistance de doutes forts quant à la stratégie normative la plus appropriée.
Cet ouvrage dresse le bilan des efforts de régulation entrepris en France pour asseoir le développement responsable des nanotechnologies. Des brevets, nombreux, sur lesquels s’appuie leur développement, à l’information des consommateurs, en passant par la protection des salariés qui participent à leur production et de l’environnement, toutes les étapes de leur cycle de vie sont étudiées, de façon prospective, en s’appuyant sur les données les plus récentes de leur régulation. Se fondant sur une analyse comparatiste de ce bilan, les auteurs explorent ensuite les défis qui se dressent, pour l’avenir, sur la route des technologies émergentes appelées de ses vœux par la société de la connaissance européenne. -
Le droit rural face à trois défis majeurs ; rural law faced with three major challenges ; das Agrarrecht vor drei grossen Herausforderungen
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Droit et Espace Rural
- 9 Octobre 2015
- 9782296410626
La première commission du XXII° Congrès européen de droit rural a traité du domaine des responsabilités de l'agriculteur sous le titre "agriculture, environnement, alimentation -fonctions et responsabilités de l'agriculteur". Les travaux de la deuxième commission ont été consacrés aux questions ayant trait à "l'économie agricole face au droit de la concurrence européenne et nationale". La table ronde a concerné des "répercussion de l'OMC sur la PAC et sur le droit rural national, notamment en ce qui concerne l'agriculture biologique". Ce rapport est livré ici en trois langues.
Evaluating laws and regulations ; the case of the chilean chamber of deputies
- 16 Mai 2012
- 9789264176263
This report focuses on international practices of ex post evaluation, and particularly on the current efforts to conduct ex post evaluation of laws in Chile. It is divided in two main parts.
The first part of the report provides information and guidance, examples of practice and references on the subject of ex post evaluation in OECD countries, particularly in the Legislative area. It looks at the different definitions of, and motivations for, undertaking evaluation. There is no single template for undertaking ex post legislative evaluation. The objectives and methods to be used will depend on factors such as the nature of the law to be evaluated and the parliamentary and governmental context in which the evaluation takes place.
In the second part the report evaluates the current system and process of ex post evaluation of laws in Chile. It discusses the efforts made by the recently established Law Evaluation Department in the Chamber of Representatives, in the framework of the law making process of the country. It revises the current practices in both branches of government, executive and legislative, to conduct ex post evaluation of laws and regulations, as well as the formal and informal mechanisms to prepare laws and regulations and their possible ex post review. The paper revises as well the current programme for law evaluation launched by the Chamber of Representatives and it analyses its main components, in particular methodological approaches and inclusion of citizens` perceptions as a tool to increase transparency.
The report concludes with an assessment of the main challenges that the law evaluation work is facing in Chile and makes some recommendations related to institutional, methodological and governance issues. -
The female body : a journey through law, culture and medicine
Brigitte Feuillet-liger, Thérèse Callus, Kristina Orfali
- Bruylant
- 18 Décembre 2013
- 9782802745372
Object of fascination and fantasy, the female body can be idealized, reified or shrouded. “It is we who make women what they are worth and that is why they are worthless”, proclaimed Mirabeau in the days of the Enlightenment, to which Aragon later replied: “Woman is the future of Man”. The ambiguities of the female body are therein exposed.
This work examines the relationship between the female body and biomedicine. Many possibilities are offered to women through biomedical techniques: from assistance to procreate (with assisted reproduction) to refusal to do so (contraception, voluntary sterilization, termination of pregnancy); to be informed of genetic predispositions (through the use of available genetic tests); or to improve their physical appearance with cosmetic surgery. But a recurrent question arises: with its rapid progress and its extreme medicalization of the body, can biomedicine liberate women? Or rather, given the risks of the commodification of the body or its parts, is it not a source of exploitation ?
The authors of this work, jurists, anthropologists, philosophers, sociologists and doctors, have explored these questions. The contributions from nineteen countries in this international multidisciplinary study analyse the reality of the amazing developments of biomedicine on the female body. Numerous systems are compared for the first time; European, African, North and South American, but also Chinese and Japanese. Beyond highlighting differences, and identifying similarities in the development of “enhancement medicine”, the objective of this work is ultimately to show the complexity surrounding the question of a woman’s freedom over her body and the extent to which this is limited by the State. -
A critical introduction to international law
Olivier Corten, François Dubuisson, Vaios Koutroulis, Anne Lagerwall
- Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles
- 9 Octobre 2024
- 9782800418940
Is international law universal? Can it be anything else than the will of the actors who are able to impose on others their values and interests? Beyond the strategic objectives that can be pursued - by a lawyer pleading before a court, a state representative operating in an international organization or addressing the general public, an author seeking recognition, or a citizen interested in the law - since international law cannot be interpreted objectively, can it at least be interpreted in a convincing and well-argued way? These are the questions that underlie this book, which, following a critical approach, emphasizes the profound ambivalence of international law.
International law appears to be torn between, in the one hand, the pursuit of a universalist ideal of justice and peace, and, on the other, the need to deal with power relations in a political context. From this perspective, it would be futile to claim to establish - and even less to discover - one single 'correct' interpretation of legal rules such as, for example, the right to self-determination, the principle of non-intervention or the prohibition of genocide. It is however possible to provide an overview of the main debates among states, other international actors or among legal scholars relating to the interpretation of the main rules of international law. In the book, these debates are illustrated by references to popular culture, in particular, music and films.
The ambition of this book is to enable the reader, on the basis of these elements, firstly to position himself or herself by selecting and defending the arguments that seem most convincing and secondly, and more fundamentally, to understand the legal and political terms of the controversies in international law.
This revised second edition includes updates in case law and practice, from the war in Ukraine to the war in Gaza, as well as legal developments related to climate change. -
Social risks of current regulations
Kinga Pétervári
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 7 Février 2023
- 9782140245701
This book is about certain risk assessment, risk analysis and risk management from a legal point of view. It discusses five different types of risks that business law needs to cope with nowadays. Some of these challenges are fairly new (artificial intelligence, AI), some are fairly old (limited liability), but they all trigger serious social challenges (like environmental concerns or social responsibility). Some problems are universal, some are global but none can be managed by the locally defined law. The controversy at hand will be decided, but the problem would not even be touched. Law, by definition, belongs to the realm and the existence of statehood, thus, the efficiency, the possibilities and the means of the law are predetermined by this relationship. In any event, risks, and not only the seldom occurrent ones, can be extremely high, and the damages can be overwhelming. Yet, when these risks come about, from a practical social point of view, it might not matter who is right and who is not.
The garnishment : a comparative law study
Andrea Russo
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 29 Août 2024
- 9782336460864
This book is providing a comparative analysis of Garnishment law and practice in notable jurisdictions ranging from United Kingdom to United States until India, Nigeria and Cameroon, and Iran treating age old questions and contemporary issues.
To give helpful background, understanding, and guidance, the book is updated with cases from the last several years, academic publications, and the author's personal experiences also as a legal practitioner fully aware of the potential for abuse on the part of the defendant, which would nullify the jurisdictional process, as well as to make it easier to execute the ruling, take into account pertinent exigencies, and achieve favorable results for this institution. This strategy has been used by several well-known legal systems. -
Etudes parlementaires : démocratie(s), parlementarismes(s) et légitimité(s) ; democracy(ies), parliamentarism(s) and legitimacy(ies)
Philippe Poirier, Nadim Farhat
- Bruylant
- 3 Juillet 2019
- 9782802764786
Cet ouvrage réunit des chercheurs issus des principaux centres, chaires et réseaux de recherche en études législatives d'Amérique du Nord, d'Europe et du Maghreb. Leurs contributions en anglais et en français visent à comprendre les différentes transformations de la démocratie représentative dans un système concurrentiel des formes démocratiques (participative, délibérative, etc.) et de nouvelles hiérarchisations législatives (l'européanisation, le fédéralisme et le parlementarisme rationalisé). Il s'agit en premier lieu d'analyser les députés et la fabrication contemporaine de la loi, c'est -dire comment ils travaillent dans les commissions, usent de leurs pouvoirs d'interpellation et quels sont leurs rapports aux groupes d'intérêts. Il s'agit en second lieu d'évaluer la nature et les modalités du contrôle parlementaire notamment en s'intéressant aux ressources administratives mises à leurs dispositions et à leurs pouvoirs dans le domaine budgétaire. Il s'agit in fine de comprendre en quoi la composition du corps électoral et la construction de l'opinion politique, le fonctionnement des partis politiques et des groupes parlementaires, le contexte institutionnel fédéral et/ou post-autoritaire déterminent ou non le degré d'autonomie et d'efficacité parlementaire.